Product Details
Closed Length 3.75 ches
Weight (oz) 4.8
Additional Specs
About the Maker
Embretsen, Kaj
Swedsish Mastersmith Kaj (Kay) Embretsen has been a fulltime knifemaker since 1983. "I make folders, daggers, fighters and hunting knives and I make my own damascus steel. I have been a voting member of The Knifemakers Guild in America since 1989 and I am also a member of The German Knifemakers Guild, The Italian Knifemakers Guild, The Norwegian Knife Association, and The American Bladesmith's Society. I attend many of the world's most prestigious knife shows which gives me an opportunity to meet new and old customers and friends." Kaj has earned an excellent reputation throughout the world as a result of his pleasant personality, creative genius and the un-compromising quality which is evident in every knife he makes.