Harrison (Seamus Knives), Jim
I started knifemaking in 1999 and might have stumbled, failed, and quit had it not been for some talented, established knifemakers' encouragement. So, thanks to the late Charles Bolton, Al Dippold, Mike Pellegrin, Jim Bierman, Ray Cover, Jody Muller, V.J. McCrackin, Don Hanson III, and many others. They've passed on the responsibility to help others as they've helped me.I make a variety of styles and sizes of knives to satisfy the many different functions they'll be used for. Stock removal is my knife making method and I lean heavily towards materials that are relatively maintenance free and enduring. Of course, exceptional fit, finish and materials separate custom knives from factory knives. Making knives with those qualities is my mission and I love it.I'm lucky to now have customers throughout the country that reward my knife making with repeat orders and valuable feedback to push me onto better and better knives. Many of these customers I now consider to be friends.