Scotti, Angelo
Angelo Scotti is a very talented Italian knifemaker. While in France in 1992, Angelo had the opportunity to meet and observe French Cutler Baraldini in all stages of producing forged hand-made knives. And although taken by the work, Angelo was looking for something even more perfect and more precise. That is when he discovered the knives of Dietmar Kressler. These knives were clean, elegant and flawlessly made, and that gave Angelo the direction he needed. In fact he was so taken with Kressler knives that he went to Germany and spent some time with the man himself. "My approach is entirely based on precision, elegance, passion and the desire to make each knife perfectly functional. In other words, each knife comes with a precise destination. My creativity also leads me to participate in ongoing research into new materials so that I can continue improve my knives, while maintaining the elegance, functionality and accuracy I desire"
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