Parker Cutlery Company
Parker Cutlery, which was founded by Jim Parker, a knife collector and dealer. Jim Parker had knives made for him by various makers in Japan and Germany. He also started a knife factory in Jacksonville, Alabama with Fain Edwards in 1984, where they made Damascus steel knives. . Jim Parker bought Fain Edwards out in 1986. The Parker Cutlery Company manufactured and sold pen knives, pocket knives, game hunting knives, folding hunting knives, and vintage game knives. James F. Parker, in collaboration with Bruce Voyles, launched The Blade Show and International Cutlery Fair, which is today the largest knife event in the world. In the mid-1970s, Jim Frost collaborated with James Parker to form the Parker-Frost Cutlery Company. Although the venture lasted only from 1976 to 1978, it made a significant impact on the knife world. The Parker Eagle brand with the wildlife series was made from 1979-1984. Some pearl and commemorative knives were made from 1984-1986. No Parker Eagle Brand knives were manufactured after 1989, except some 35th anniversary knives made by Bulldog Brand or the same factory where Bulldog Brand is made. Imai then collaborated with Jim Parker of Parker Cutlery in Chattanooga, TN, leading to the construction of a new factory in Seki. This partnership resulted in the production of high-quality pocket knives under the brand name “Parker-Imai” for about 20 years. The factory expanded to include around 50 workers. However, as production and the number of employees increased, Imai began to worry about quality control. At the age of 47, he decided to close the factory and become a one-man custom knifemaker. He preferred the personal relationship between the knifemaker and the collector, which is why each of his knives equals a labor of love1 Jim Parker: • Jim Parker was a past member of the Board of Trustees of Hiwassee College and a former store manager and credit manager for Sherwin-Williams Paint Company. • He went on to be the founder and owner of Parker Cutlery Company which he established in the late 1960’s. • Jim Parker also owned WR Case and Sons Cutlery Company until around 1990. • He was instrumental in starting and operating Parker’s Knife Collectors Service and for the past several years revived and operated Bulldog Brand Knife Company. • In the late 1980’s, Jim Parker leveraged his assets and bought W.R. Case Cutlery Company. Jim Parker and Jim Frost used to frequent the gun shows selling knives years ago. • Buzz Parker is Jim Parker’s son and Jim Parker Sr. passed away in 2002, but his son, James Parker Jr. is still alive and heavily involved in the knife business.
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